Saturday, August 31, 2019

Why Rhode Island Was the Most Democratic Colony

â€Å"American† Essay The original thirteen colonies, from groundbreaking Virginia, first settled in 1612, to the bountiful Carolinas originating in the year of 1670. In 1636, twenty four years after the formation of Virginia, the revolutionary Rhode Island came to be. Though settled three-hundred and seventy-six years ago, Rhode Island at that time, still holds similarities to what it means to be â€Å"American† today. America is synonymous with freedom, tolerance of those different, equality, and democracy.Rhode Island can be considered the most American of all thirteen original colonies, because it supported separatist government, practiced religious tolerance, and had a democracy from the start. Rhode Island may never have came to be, if not for Roger Williams. After being exiled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, for endorsement of a separatist movement, It was he who relocated to present day Rhode Island. At that time, Massachusetts, was a colony ruled by Puritans . These people were anti-separatists, which means that they did not believe in the separation of church and state.Any resident living in Massachusetts, regardless of Religious affiliation was required to pay taxes to the puritan church. The churches only problem was not the requirement of taxes, but also their efforts to control other aspects of the colonist’s lives. Massachusetts had a certain kind of feel to it, and the Puritans wanted to assure that it stay that way. Puritans felt threatened by any kind of act that did not fit perfectly with their view of what life should be like in their colony. For example, If two people were found to be showing any type of affection towards each other in public, they were fined.Puritans were against the practice of ceremonies, or any type of event containing music. They believed that music was an expression not pure enough for their way of life. Puritans refused to celebrate various holidays, such as Christmas. They also would not allow certain staples of religious practice to be involved in their worship. Candles, or religious images were not permitted in church service. Many forms of entertainment were not allowed in Puritan villages. Gambling or other games of chance were outlawed. Plays of any genre were not allowed.Laughing in public was forbidden, because it suggested that devilish or demonic spirits inhabited you. The Puritans worked to control every aspect of a persons life. Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, would have none of it. From the start Williams allowed Rhode Islander’s many freedoms, as well as creating a separatist government, in some ways, the first of its kind. Williams did not require citizens to attend church, and did not let laws interfere with a someone’s personal life. He believed that it was not the churches/governments right to control such things.Though the people of Rhode island did pay taxes, these taxes went to the government, not a state church. The lack of the se laws can be considered very â€Å"American† by modern standards. When looking at the country now, one can see that there is an absence of laws restricting Humans actions and rights, aside from cruel and unjust acts. Each individual has freedom of speech, and is allowed to express their ideas openly. The US does not outlaw many types of entertainment, music, holidays, or public displays of humor or affection. Rhode Island shares this in common with the present day US.The same cannot be said of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Rhode Island was one of only four colonies whose government did not have an official religion. The Carolina’s, Maryland, New York, and Virginia all supported the Anglican church, While Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire all chose to support the congregational church. This proves that Rhode Island was uniquely and unconscionably â€Å"American† for its time. Rhode Island can again be considered â€Å"American† because of itâ €™s practice of complete religious tolerance, this was unheard of in most other colonies in these times.Williams allowed anyone, regardless of religious affiliation to reside in the state. Jews, persecuted by almost every other colony at the time, as well as Catholics were allowed to live in the boundaries of Rhode Island, and not fear punishment or persecution. Even the endlessly persecuted Quakers were allowed in Rhode Island. Quaker views were vastly different than that of leader Roger Williams, but he believed that they should not be persecuted for this difference in opinion. When looking at the views of other colonies, one can see that they did no share the same ideals. Maryland claimed to be religiously tolerant.Created as a refuge for Catholics, one would assume that a place such as this would be tolerant of other religions, the Act of Toleration was passed in 1649, but was not as welcoming as it sounded. While giving freedom to Christians, it also stated the right to per secute all Jews, or atheists with no religious affiliation. Massachusetts was wildly intolerant of not Christians, torturing and killing the Quakers, whom later fled to Rhode Island. All colonies supporting the Anglican church practiced religious tolerance to their fellow protestants, and in some cases even Catholics, but none would accept those who denied the divinity of Jesus.Congregational colonies were even more strict in their tolerance of other religions. Aside from religion, Rhode Island was also tolerant of people that for other reason would not be welcome elsewhere. Those like Williams who had angered the leaders of their previous residence were welcomed there. Anne Hutchinson, whom was also exiled from the Bay Colony is a famous resident of Rhode Island. Her Ideals were far from that or Williams, but still she was welcomed in his colony. Both rich and poor could find a home in Rhode island.It was unlike the sprawling plantations of South Carolina, or Virginia where the poo r were exiled from being â€Å"squatters† on the land, or the large and powerful elites of aristocratic New York, controlling not just the government and economy, but the land as well. Rhode islands practice of tolerance, not only pertaining to religion, but also to the differing of ideals and economic status, again shows that Rhode Island is the most â€Å"American† of the thirteen colonies. A third reason that Rhode Island can be considered the most â€Å"American† colony was it’s voting system.Rhode Island gave all men, who owned property and payed taxes on said property the right to vote. Regardless of Religion, a man had this right. This was unheard of in many colonies at the time. Anglican colonies such as South Carolina and Georgia, also allowed man holding men to vote, but only if they were of protestant religion. Some colonies were even more strict with their voting rights. In the Massachusetts Bay Colony the government could not even be consider ed a democracy. The Freemen held the right to elect the governor annually as well as his cabinet.The freemen however, were few and far between. Only puritans could be freemen, and they were not even eligible until they were declared â€Å"visible saints†. This is when, at church, god inhabits a person, which causes him to convulse, or perhaps speak in tongues. Because of this rule, only few men were eligible to vote in elections. Rhode Islands suffrage law, allowed a vast number of citizens to vote, which in turn made Rhode Island on of the most democratic of the colonies at the time. This again proves that Rhode Island was the most â€Å"American† of the Thirteen colonies.There are those that do not believe Rhode Island was the most â€Å"American† colony of our forefathers. Some may say that the most â€Å"American† colony was in fact Georgia. Evidence supports that this was not the case. Though Georgia supported separatist government, and did not affil iate with any one religion, they did however persecute certain religious groups. Catholics. The Jewish, and Atheists were discriminated against and persecuted in Georgia, because of this, these people did not have the right to vote in any election, only practicing protestants could participate in elections.These shortcomings of the Georgia colony disqualify it from being a truly â€Å"American† colony. Rhode Island can easily be considered the most â€Å"American† colony for many reasons. Rhode Island participated in separatist government, practiced religious toleration towards all religions, and promoted suffrage for a large amount of people at the time. When someone is asked to describe America in three words, one is willing to bet that those three words would be freedom, tolerance, and equality. Rhode island had the right idea hundreds of years ago, and our country has been influenced by these simple ideas ever since.

Journal Citation for “Hate Crime”

Journal Citation List Hull, H. G. (2009). THE NOT-SO-GOLDEN YEARS: WHY HATE CRIME LEGISLATION IS FAILING A VULNERABLE AGING POPULATION. Mich. St. L. Rev. 387. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Wang, L. (2000). RECOGNIZING OPPORTUNISTIC BIAS CRIMES. 80 B. U. L. Rev. 1399. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Taslitz, A. E. (2000). HATE CRIMES, FREE SPEECH, AND THE CONTRACT OF MUTUAL INDIFFERENCE. 80 B. U. L. Rev. 1283. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Ginsberg, A. (2011).Hate Is Enough HOW NEW YORK'S BIAS CRIMES STATUTE HAS EXCEEDED ITS INTENDED SCOPE. 76 Brooklyn L. Rev. 1599. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Schafer, J. R. ; Navarro, J. (2000). HATE UNMASKED: A PRACTICAL MODEL FOR UNDERSTANDING AND DEALING WITH HATE GROUPS. 21 Chicano-Latino L. Rev. 5. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Martin II, S. R. (1994). ESTABLISHING THE CONSTITUTIONAL USE OF BIAS-INSPIRED BELIEFS AND EXPRESSIONS IN PENALTY ENHANCEMENT FOR HATE CRIMES: WISCONSIN v. MITCHELL. 27 Creighton L. Rev. 503. Retrieved from www. exisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Jacobs, J. B. ; Potter, K. A. (1997). Hate Crimes: A Critical Perspective. 22 Crime ; Just. 1. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Ainsworth, K. N. (1993). TARGETING CONDUCT: A CONSTITUTIONAL METHOD OF PENALIZING HATE CRIMES. 20 Fordham Urb. L. J. 669. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Han, E. (2006). CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CHAPTER: B. HATE CRIMES AND HATE SPEECH. 7 Geo. J. Gender ; L. 679. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Kalam, M. (2000). Hate Crime Prevention. 37 Harv.J. on Legis. 593. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Gratett, R. ; Jenness, V. (2001). EXAMINING THE BOUNDARIES OF HATE CRIME LAW: DISABILITIES AND THE â€Å"DILEMMA OF DIFFERENCE. 91 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 653. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic S cotting,T. A. (2001). Hate Crimes and the Need for Stronger Federal Legislation. 34 Akron L. Rev. 853. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic MacNamara, B. S. (2003). NEW YORK'S HATE CRIMES ACT OF 2000: PROBLEMATIC AND REDUNDANT LEGISLATION AIMED AT SUBJECTIVE MOTIVATION. 6 Alb. L. Rev. 519. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Taslitz, A. E. (1999). Condemning the Racist Personality: Why the Critics of Hate Crimes Legislation Are Wrong. 40 B. C. L. Rev 739. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Sampson, M. H. (2000). Federal Hate Crimes Legislation PRO: The problem of hate crimes demands federal intervention, bringing with it increased expertise and resources. 26 San Francisco Att'y 24. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Wang, L. (1997).THE TRANSFORMING POWER OF â€Å"HATE†: SOCIAL COGNITION THEORY AND THE HARMS OF BIAS-RELATED CRIME. 71 S. Cal. L. Rev. 47. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hott opics/lnacademic O'Keefe, K. B. (2010). PROTECTING THE HOMELESS UNDER VULNERABLE VICTIM SENTENCING GUIDELINES: AN ALTERNATIVE TO INCLUSION IN HATE CRIME LAWS. 52 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 301. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Agyemang, T. (2006). RECONCEPTUALIZING CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AS A BIAS CRIME UNDER THE PROTECT ACT. 12 Cardozo J. L. & Gender 937. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Lawrence, F.M. (2003). THE NEW DATA: OVER-REPRESENTATION OF MINORITIES IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM ARTICLE: ENFORCING BIAS-CRIME LAWS WITHOUT BIAS: EVALUATING THE DISPROPORTIONATE-ENFORCEMENT CRITIQUE. 66 Law & Contemp. Prob. 49. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Grattet, R. & Jenness, V. (2005). THANKING OUR REVIEWER: ARTICLE OF GENERAL INTEREST: The Reconstitution of Law in Local Settings: Agency Discretion, Ambiguity, and a Surplus of Law in the Policing of Hate Crime. 39 Law & Soc'y Rev. 893. Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. co m/hottopics/lnacademic

Friday, August 30, 2019

How Cellular Phones Has Evolved Essay

Years ago cellular phones offered very limited coverage area for users. The design and function have come from big and ugly to now, tiny and flamboyant. It does not take a scientist to realize how cellular phones have evolved into a multi-function appliance. Retailers utilize technology and their creative vision to attract the cell phone consumers. The market for cell phones has increased because of social network media which is the cause for children pressuring their parents to purchase cell phones. This research will describe the most significant ways the cell phone has evolved. These ways are the camera/ camcorder, applications, and internet. Internet Lee Rannals for completed a survey and the results be evidence for over half of all cell phone owners’ use their device to surf the Internet (Lee Rannals, 2012). Eighteen-percent of cell-mostly Internet users say a cell phone is more compatible with their online habits than a computer (Lee Rannals, 2012). The Internet is the most important function for the cell phone. The internet is important because any problem can be figured out. For example, if a person is out of town and direction to the nearest gas station or restaurant needs to be looked-up, they can do so by using the internet on their cell phone. They may need to look up the address, telephone number, or get directions. The internet is convenient and helps s to decipher through problems. * Jump to first hit Camera Photography often revolves around planned events, such as birthdays or weddings. Or, it relies on professional shoots. But even studiously prepared photographs must appear somehow impromptu. The images that photographers treasure most tend to be the pure opportunity shots that were captured with a combination of talent, providence, and whatever equipment was at hand. The emergence of digital point-and-shoot cameras helped to enhance photographers’ spontaneity (if not their talent). They also introduced photography to a new generation of users. The next wave of digital innovation promises to further expand this user base. It could even alter the boundaries of amateur photography. More importantly, however, the capture and sharing of images will become an intrinsic part of daily life. Applications The Applications creation has taken cell phones to greater heights. They are add-ons that carry out task other than making a phone call. Apps connect retailers to consumers. For Example, The customers for US Bank can download an application to allow them to check their bank account statement, transfer funds from one account to another, and deposit money. Also, there are games, news, sports, health, and entertainment applications. Cell phone users are able to download the applications which best fits into their desires. Carolyn Jarvis describe the application as a multi-billion dollar industry, but you can usually get an individual app for less than $2, and the options are endless (Jarvis, 2010). She said, â€Å"You have your games, your gadgets, your guides. Welcome to the world of apps. Short for application, you download it off your Smartphone. (Jarvis, 2010).† Applications are significant to how cellular phone is evolving. Conclusion Cellular phones will continue to evolve in the future because of internet, camera, and applications. They have come from being huge to small over the years. The functions have improved drastically from the keys to applications and the internet. The cell phone is compared to a smaller version of a computer based to the users. In fact, cell phone users with internet spend less time on a desktop computer. Applications allow users to connect with retailers and stay connected with friends, and capture picture moments in the past would be uncatchable. The cellular phone has evolved into a multi-function appliance and these are the reasons it will continue to evolve. References Lee Rannals. (2012, June 27). Moblie Phone Internet Use on the Rise. Retrieved January 04, 2013, from Red Orbit: Jarvis, C. (2010, July 23). iPhone Apps. Toronto, Canada.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Landlord and Tenant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Landlord and Tenant - Essay Example It must be stated that statutory provisions appear to restrict the rights of tenants where carrying out repairs is concerned. Although the tenant has a common law right to deduct costs of repairs from rents payable to the landlord or arrears of rent, this may not provide adequate levels of protection against the landlord’s breach of contractual obligations. Statutory regulations specify all manner of restrictions in the carrying out of repairs and despite the good intentions of the tenant, the landlord can refuse to pay for the repairs if the wrong materials or the wrong contractor is used. The requirement of notice by the tenant before the landlord will be liable for repairs has also been spelt out under statutory provisions as well as the precedents established in case law. Another important distinction that must be noted is that licensees and tenants have a different set of rights where the question of forcing the landlord to carry out repairs is concerned. Licensees may have better provision under common law principals against licensors who are in default, because they can force them to carry out repairs on grounds of contractual breaches.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Management - Research Paper Example Several technological advancements have been made in the field of manufacturing affecting the supply chain in different ways. Current application of manufacturing technology in supply chain management and how best the technology can be utilized to improve the supply chain is analyzed in the below discussion. Logistic management is the management of the flow of goods, services and information from source to the desired destination at the lowest possible cost. Through the various stages of transmission, goods and information are faced with various challenges that are a threat to the process. Mismanagement of the logistics can lead to disruption of the supply chain both in the short and the long run. Safety measures in the logistic system determine the effectiveness of the logistic system for a successful supply chain. Among the threats to logistics are increasing with the developments in the market. Risk factors include the unpredictable change in transport and energy costs, higher cost of financing, insolvency of a basic logistic provider, changes in local and international legal requirement and insufficient number of skilled employees in the necessary field (Bielecki & Szymonik 2011) Management of the centralized supply chain is receiving much attention from firms. Firms use customer service measure based on frequency to measure efficiency in the supply chain. The actual measures conducted are the fill rate and stock out rate. These measures indicate the efficiency of the centralized supply chain system. The assumption is that suppliers are able to meet all customer needs and supply the orders as to when required. Advance production is the case with a centralized supply chain to meet customer demand with supply. However, the changes in the market are posing a threat to this system. Given the changes in technology, the supply chain

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

IMMIGRATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IMMIGRATION - Essay Example The U.S. has never been the melting pot that was expected. Instead, immigrant ethnic groups have maintained their unique identities for generation after generation. The immigrant heritage has worked itself into the basic fabric of American life. The cycle of anti-immigrant feelings and politics seems closely tied to economic issues: when the nation needs laborers, immigrants of all kinds are welcomed, when jobs are scarce, immigrants are excluded. (Purcell, p.xii). In â€Å"Unchecked Immigration† what is Peter Brimelow’s claim, and what solutions does he propose? Using secondary sources to advance your argument, state whether you agree or disagree with Brimelow’s claim and solutions. According to Peter Brimelow, in the article Unchecked Immigration, the 1965 Immigration Act triggered an influx of historically high proportions, particularly compared to current U.S. birth rates. If the present trends continue, the U.S. population will reach 390 million by 2050. More than a third of the population would be post-1970 immigrants and their descendants. Because the 1965 Act arbitrarily choked off immigration from Europe, this influx has been almost completely from the third world. As recently as 1960, whites who were 90% of the population, by 2050 will be on the verge of becoming a minority. A demographic transformation such as this is without precedent in the history of the world. Also, the 1990 census revealed that native-born Americans both black and white were fleeing from the immigrant-favored areas, where they were being replaced in equal numbers by immigrants. They fled to two different parts of the country, where their own people were. Peter Brimelow claims that the U.S. is coming apart ethnically under the impact of the enormous influx. He wonders whether America continues to be the integration of ethnicity and culture as a nation, and whether the American nation-state can survive. The solutions to the problem, that Peter Brimelow offers are that: In

Monday, August 26, 2019

Design, Analyze, and Create Political Poster or Personal Story Art Essay

Design, Analyze, and Create Political Poster or Personal Story Art Piece - Essay Example The middle portion shows the animals scrambling for water at the Serengeti River which flows through the park. With the large number of animals at the park, competition for water becomes difficult. The painting therefore shows the wild animals that include zebras, buffaloes and antelopes meeting at the river to quench their thirst The lower portion of the picture shows a herd of antelopes running for their lives away from a predator probably a pride of lions or cheetahs. Antelopes are a common prey for animals like lions and cheetahs and sometimes crocodiles at the Serengeti. Predation at the park is a familiar occurrence as the animals look for food for survival. There are numerous battles in the park between the wild animals as they search for food and water. Therefore, the painting shows a herd of antelopes at the Serengeti Park running away from a predator. The purpose of the picture is to educate people of what happens at the Serengeti National Park in the Kenya-Tanzania border in East Africa. The Serengeti National Park is one of the best attraction sites in East Africa. The Great Serengeti Migration is considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the World (Mari & Croze 56). The site of approximately 2 million wild animals crossing the Serengeti River annually is spectacular to watch. The great migration occurs from July to August during dry spell in Kenya. The animals therefore migrate into Tanzania from Kenya in search of water and pasture. The picture therefore is meant to educate people mostly from America and Europe about the marvellous site of the Serengeti Migration in East Africa. Apart from the Great Migration, the picture also seeks to show the different wild animals found in the park. The park has approximately over ten different species of wild mammals. Some of the wild animals include: buffaloes, zebras, antelopes, elephants, giraffes, cheetahs, wildebeest and lions. In addition there are also different species of birds at the park. The park is one of the few areas in the world where one is able to find large numbers of wild animals moving and grazing freely. It provides a natural scene of nature and wild animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The picture therefore shows the natural wild animals found at the Serengeti in addition to showing the Great migration of the animals with a view of encouraging citizens from America and Europe to visit the park as a tourist destination. The picture also purposes to sensitize the world on the beauty of nature and therefore the need to preserve nature and the wild animals. For the wild animals at the Serengeti to continue to exist, efforts must be put in place to protect these animals and their habitat (Mari & Croze 145). Encroachment of land by humans has continuously reduced the habitats of these wild animals hence reducing their numbers considerably. The Park should therefore be reserved as a game reserve and humans should not use the lands in the park for any pu rpose such as farming. Only this way will the beautiful scene of the animals preserved. The picture also seeks to discourage the illegal poaching of these wild animals by show casing their beauty. The painting seeks to encourage more tourists from the US to visit the site as a tourist destination. With more tourists, the Kenyan government will put more efforts to discourage poaching as the park will be generating a lot of revenues from tourism. The number of elephants has been reported to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

President Obama's Speech in Cairo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

President Obama's Speech in Cairo - Essay Example Throughout his speech, the radical idea was that of respect for the Muslim and Arab world. He believed that this was an issue that those who had been in power had omitted. His speech addresses six issues that cause tension between the two divides, including violent extremists, the situation between Israelis, Palestinians, and Arabs, responsibilities and rights of nations on nuclear weapons, democracy, religious freedom, and women’s rights (Huff Post). Personally, the second issue of the situation between Israelis, Palestinians, and Arabs. Question Two The situation between Israeli, Palestine, and the Arab world is the greatest source of crisis in the Middle East. The conflict in the Middle East, which began in the early 1990s, has been the source of serious economic downturn in the world. Despite countries endeavors to heal the prevailing state of economy, this conflict has remained an obstacle. The Middle East region exports the largest quantities of oil products to the US, E urope, and other parts of the world. The persistent conflicts between the Israelis and the Palestinians often result to surging of oil prices, driving the global economy into a recession. At a recession, every plan by the government in power stops progressing. Worst of all, business, which earn governments revenue get to a point of shut down. Moreover, a majority of the Arab states take advantage of the crisis to achieve their own gains and misgivings (Huff Post). Question Three President Obama downplays Tehran by highlighting the diplomatic recognition of Israel by Saudi Arabia, with attempts to hasten the two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestine conflict. President Obama addresses the Middle East conflict beginning with the Palestinian suffering from 1967 (Huff Post). On what Palestinians refer to as the nakba catastrophe; President Obama expresses his acknowledgment of the issue than any other American president, urging for the cease of Israeli settlement. However, he also de fends the Israeli, referring to US ties with Israeli as unbreakable, and proceeding to condemn Muslim Holocaust and anti-Semitism denials as hateful, ignorant, and baseless. Moreover, he urged Hamas (which has majority of support from Palestinians) to stop acts of violence, recognize the rights of Israeli existence and recognize past agreements, promising America’s alignment policies with countries that promote peace. In his speech, the president preaches for peace among settlers. His main emphasis was violence against children and old women by Hamas, stating that their actions surrender moral authority rather than claiming it. Any form of violence, precisely violence against children and old women to him, is an inhuman act that should be shunned. He gives an example of American struggle for civil rights against slavery and apartheid, asking Hamas to follow a similar non-violent path of resistance (Huff Post). Considering the fact that president Obama is an African American, this statement has significant weight attached. In summary, president Obama exhibits the American devotion to Israel and Palestine. In this, he advocates for a secure and safe state for both nations through the two-state solution. His conditions are that Israeli must stop settlement and the Hamas (supported by Palestinians) must stop terror and violence

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Introduction to Legal Theory - What is freedom Does law necessarily Essay

Introduction to Legal Theory - What is freedom Does law necessarily restrict freedom - Essay Example This paper examines whether Thomas Hobbes’ philosophy of freedom is well taken care of under current laws. Hobbes posited that human beings are free when their actions are not under the limitation from any other party. In a liberal world, for example, Hobbes would argue that one’s enjoyment of freedom does not encompass the right to subject another person to slavery1. In addition, freedom falls short of the legal right to hit people where there is no need for self-defence. Essentially, a free individual has the wide latitude under the law to engage in whatever he or she so wishes provided that those activities do not offensively hurt or force other individuals against their own freedoms. Freedom apparently cannot encompass the legitimate right to infringe other peoples liberty because that would not only be unfair but illogical2. As Hobbes has indicated, freedom does encompass the legal right to defend oneself from offenders who try to harm or thrust their own will upon the liberal person. In some way, freedom might be real in political lenses, but socially unfavourable, for an individual to enjoy legal protection to inflict aggressive harm on other people if nobody enjoyed the freedom to not be harmed in such manner. It is the ensuing complications as to the enjoyment of freedoms that the law sets in to guarantee the maximum level of liberties which an individual should enjoy in an environment where coexistence is imperative3. In light of this, as Hobbes has said, laws do not necessarily limit freedoms; rather, they enforce a sense of self-control among the citizenry in order to ensure that every person enjoys the maximum freedom possible without behaving in a manner that would be detrimental to others4. In the United Kingdom, The Human Rights Act (HRA) 1998 is the main body of law which seeks to provide maximum freedoms to the UK citizens. The statute also seeks to safeguard the legal interests of all stakeholders in the society. The HRA envisages

Friday, August 23, 2019

PID assignm Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

PID assignm - Assignment Example Firstly, there has been a great need to increase the performance of appliances and this can be achieved using the fractional PID controllers. If all the control specifications such as set points, rejection of load disturbances, rejection of noise and the control effort are considered, the PID controllers fully can characterize the performance of the appliances. Another reason for this occurrence is that PID controllers offer simplified, effective and robust tuning rules especially in instances where different control tasks are required. Thirdly, PID controllers also offer additional functionalities such as setting the point weighting, anti-wind up functionalities, feed forward functions which are well established in standardized controllers. However, the fractional PID controllers have not yet implemented this functionality. Another reason for the widespread use of PID controllers is that they usually offer a good compromise between the complexity and performance of the system. They ensure that high performance is maintained while at the same time moderating the complexity of the system. Finally, the PID controllers are based on models in order to predict the output of the process and also use reference trajectories in order to determine the desired output. These conceptual models make it possible to interact with the systems. In industrial temperature control, PID controllers are used to provide a quick and accurate control of temperature in industrial plants. A sensor with a simple logic controller is used to create the system. Independent control loops are used to control the cooling and the heating while an auto tuning software is used to speed up the design. Thermocouples may be used to give the feedback (Kiam et al, 2005). In industrial Flow control, PID controllers are used in the control of flow, parameters of fluids dynamics such as

Strategic Management in the quality of construction Assignment

Strategic Management in the quality of construction - Assignment Example The strategic planning would enable the quality of construction to get better and lead with a systematic approach (Rojas, 2009). A detailed review about the construction quality that is being practiced worldwide is collected with the help of information available through various sources. This research shows how there have to be establishment and maintenance of quality in the construction processes and how important this is. The information collected shows the consequences of the development of quality based schemes and tools on the construction side. In this process, there has to be importance given to the security, tools, architecture, querying and overall performance relating to the other competitors. Quality construction requires a need for review in all the sections to make sure nothing goes wrong. Literature Review: In the past years, research has shown that there is a continuous growth in the construction industry across the world (e.g. Woodward, 1997; Neeraj, 2000; Ruban, 2002 ). Due to the increasing population there is increased need of houses and buildings, furthermore developing countries are looking forward for a change for which they need the help of infrastructure and thus; construction. This continuous change and growth in the industry have lead to many initiatives to be introduced and being adopted aiming to further improving the quality of construction (Tang et al, 2005). The strategic management of the construction process focuses on these initiatives and aims at developing the same processes to the expectations of the respective people. Some of the initiatives that are strategically planned are the development of alternative procurement strategies that will enable and improve the communication structure of the different participants involved in the construction process (Davis, Goetsch, 2009). Secondly, the introduction to the use of computer technology that helps the enhancement of the construction process through the use of electronic data an d sharing. Thirdly, the introduction of a wide range of concepts and tools to improve efficiency and quality would be used and lastly, the development of the improved materials and construction methods including standardization (Skaik, 2009). Strategic management for the construction quality, just like every other industry, has the same approach. The approach for the strategic management has always been to be able to enhance the performance of the business. In the construction industry too, the strategic management in the quality of construction is aimed to bring benefits to the company’s growth and efficiency in the future, and also over the other competitors in the industry (Rumane, 2010). The managers of the construction project are supposed to be able to strategize their resources, their aims and their techniques to fulfill the expectations. The strategic management does not only include the strategies but also the ways in which they are carried out from the beginning to the end. And yet, many of the strategic management plans are failed. Quality of construction is immensely important no matter in what perspective the statement is drawn (Pheng, 2005). Whether it is the constructor, the contractor or the owner, each and all are concerned with the quality of construction. Griffith (2011) defines construction as a process that could be commercial, residential or any other type; there would be absolutely no

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Modern Language Association Essay Example for Free

Modern Language Association Essay The Modern Language Association (MLA) format is the most used format in doing papers especially with Liberal Arts and Humanities subjects (Purdue Owl). This format is based primarily on the author’s name and page number format. But before we start discussing how to cite sources, we must first learn how to properly format the paper using MLA. According to the OWL at Purdue website, the paper size should be a standard 8. 5 x 11 inches with 1-inch margin on all sides. The paper should be double-spaced using a formal font style such as Times New Roman in 12 pts. On all pages of the paper, a header that includes the last name of the owner of the paper and page numbers should be placed. The first lines of the paper should be indented to the left and one line apart: First and Last Name of the owner of the paper, name of professor, Subject/Course, and the date. Once these things are set up, the paper could now be officially started; the title of the paper should be at the center one line following the date (Purdue Owl). There are two basic ways of doing an in-text citation using MLA format. The first is using signal phrases — naming the author first in the sentence and then placing in parentheses the page number where the citation came from after the cited words. The second is including the last name of the author in the parenthetical citation, written before the page number and without any marks between them. If a particular source has no author mentioned, there are also two ways on how to properly cite the material. First is to use the title of the work as a signal phrase or place a shortened version of the title in the parenthetical citation. In case of sources where an organization can be used as the source, use the name of the organization as if it was the author. If page numbers are missing, like in web sites, just include the name of the author, again, either as a signal phrase or a parenthetical citation (â€Å"MLA in-text citations† 2).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Protecting Nature

Protecting Nature Protecting Nature Why should we protect nature? Earth is our home and we have to love it. In earth are things humans needed but they destroy them and never worry about it. â€Å"Many animals are in extinction because of earth destruction.† ( Charman , 1) Animals are disappearing since people dont save nature. â€Å"Flora and fauna is destroying because we dont take care of it.† (Laguna de Terminos 1) Flora and fauna hurt because of all the damages we have done to it. â€Å"Global warming is happening over and over but no one think about it.† (Protecting the home we lice in) Global warming is occurring all over earth but we dont care about it. All this is happening because we never worry about our home and its problems. All of us dont save the beautiful paradise god gave us. â€Å"Many animals are in extinction because of earth destruction. Animals are in extinction because new species are better in getting and on living space. Others are in extinction because of changes and destruction of nature. People hunt animals and destroy their home. They also put other animals for getting their resources and environment. Animals extinction happens because of humans.† (Charman 1) According to Andy Charman animals are in extinction because all of us destroy their habitat and kill them. Changes in nature happen because of what we have done to the environment they replace animals for stronger ones. Also all of us destroy planet, and that make changes in nature, but animals are not adapted to the changes so they die. Sometimes we need only one part of an animal and we kill them for a silly thing. Extinction happens because of all humans. Flora and fauna is destroying because we dont take care of it. â€Å"It is destroying in many ways. One of them is deforestation and habitat destruction. Another is contamination of the fluvial lagoon systems by bacteria and agrochemicals. Also petroleum exploration and production destroy flora and fauna.† (Laguna de Terminos1) According to Laguna de Terminos, flora and fauna is destroying because people want to improve economy and other things. People never worry about their needs in environment. People create systems and machines that make bacterias that devastate nature. We never take care of what we really need for living and surviving on earth. All nature helps us survive, but one day, many problems will face and we will be sorry about not protecting nature. â€Å"Biodiversity is a problem for scientists and it makes flora and fauna be affected†. (CBBC1) All humans makes biodiversity destroy and also make flora and fauna start disappearing. Biodiversity is important to all plants and animals but we destroy so plants and animals die. We start destroying one thing of nature and everything starts to destroy gradually. We never worry about destroying one little thing of our environment because we never think how things can start disappearing. Biodiversity its needed by flora and fauna but while humans destroy it, flora and fauna also destroys. â€Å"Global warming is happening over and over but no one thinks about it. Temperature increases and kills many living things. Global warming makes the sea rise and water covers many islands. Also global warming happens because of electrical pollution. Global warming damage many parts of the world and sometimes that parts are places where living things find their food but when it is destroy there no food anymore.†(Protecting the home we live in.1) According to â€Å"Protecting the home we live in†, global warming makes things change and kill many living things. People make global warming happens by electricity but they dont care and do things to prevent global warming. Global warming damage many places that living things get their food but we are ignorant and think that nothing happen and that we can fix everything is destroyed. â€Å"Global warming also makes disease spread all over many countries so many people die. It makes increase the intensity of heat waves and cause hurricanes or tornadoes.† (Environmental Graffiti.1) Global warming makes diseases spread through out the world and kill many animals. It also affects heat so animals start dying because they dont adapt to the environment, plants and humans, too. Global warming has many effects in humans and in nature. The diseases and heat make nature destroy little by little and also make some geographic accidents like hurricanes or tornadoes. All the diseases damage all living things and some times all nature. â€Å"It also happens because we waste water.† (naturehero1) We also waste water in things we dont really need and global warming starts advancing. Water is important but we dont realize the importance and waste it always. People never take care of the things they need and that only nature can give them. All humans need water but everyone ignores that and starts wasting it in silly things. We ignore the things we need for surviving specially water and we dont realize that ignorance all of us have. We should protect nature because we destroy our home and others home. Earth is our home and we have love it and caring it. If we take care of it, nothing will be damage and many people, animals , and plants could live better . Global warming and extinction will not happen when we worry about earth and take care of it. Flora and fauna will not be destroy and disappear forever. Anything will be contaminated and we will not die soon and suffer any bad disease. We will have the best home ever and will be beautiful. Nature help us a lot in things we need like water and food but by destroying nature all that things will disappear and we could die or starve . Work Cited 1. CBBC. CBBC centre for the Balkan biodiversity conservation. University of Novi Sad. June 18 22, 2008.WEB 2. Charman, Andy. Wonder Why the Dodo and other questions about extinct and endangered animals. New York: kingfisher. 1996. WEB 3. Environmental Graffiti. 5 Deadliest Effects of Global Warming. Tue, Sep 11, 2007.WEB. 4. Laguna de Terminos. â€Å"Flora and fauna protection area.†Laguna de Terminos. Web. 5. Protecting the Home We Live In: Environmental Issues Novi Meadows Elementary, 2002 .web. 6. Naturehero. Naturehero â€Å"become a naturehero† January 13th, 2010.web.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

History of Fascism

History of Fascism It can be seen that there is an increasing fight for freedom against fascism in England in post-modern era. Fascism is a long-lasting problem in England. How can we see freedom vs. fascism in V for Vendetta. The people of London seek for freedom, to be free from the government and tol ive a normal life.There is a totalitarian government in England, and the countryis like a dystopian country. Citizens in a dystopian country never question their government. The people long for democratic society, and it is necessary to make a revolution to reach the goals, and it is up to the people of England. There is a conflict between anarchism and fascism. Can anarchism be a way to democracy? The film V for Vendetta is about fascism, anarchy and England. It is a very impressive research into fascism and democrasy. Dystopian societies usually lack of personal freedoms, as well as political oppression and systematic discrimination based on sex, age or IQ (Dystopian, par.1) Dystopia is an undesirable and unlivable society. The government watches or control everything people does. There is no independence, no freedom, and no personal thought in this harsh government. Citiizens have no individual choice, they are always afraid of doing something which against the goverrnment , they can be punished by isolation, torture, or death because of their forbidden action. There are lots of social restrictions because dystopian governments want to have absolute and complete control over their people to keep their government in rule. The typical features in a dystopian society usually entail the use of propaganda to gain control. Information is limited, freedomis restricted. A figurehead is worshipped by the citizens of the society.Most citizens have a fear of the outside world because they havent been outside probably.Dystopian societies like to keep everyone underground and under control (Dystopian, par.4) A dystopian society is fictional which is created to warn people against possible danger of the strict regime, and so many writers use fiction as a medium and depict a dystopian world in their works. For example, 1984 by Orwell and Brave New World by Huxley are two classic novels on dystopian societies. Both of these satirical novels have a great influence on their era, because issues dystopia are close to the reality. Real subjects are referred to fictional world. Not only in novels, but also in films dystopian world is used to show the threat of totalitarian regime such as The Matrix and V for Vendetta. In film such as V for Vendetta the government tries to keep people in fear and to make the people feel they need an overruling power to keep them safe is quite extraordinary. These all fitting into the typical category of governmental/social dystopias because these dystopian visions paint a picture of a government or society attempting to exert control over free thoght, authority, energy, freedom of information (Is It Useful, par.6) Fascism is a consistent and universal problem.It is an important social and psychological mechanism which shows a revolt against the effect of capitalism. As Rabinbach suggested that Fascism movements emerged in almost all European contries aafter World War I as a conservative and revolutionary protest against both capitalism and Marxist socialism (145) Fascism is the one form of government with the most disagreement about a definition for it.The word comes from the Latin fasces which means to use power to scare or impress people. It generally refers to the consolidation of all economic and political power into some form of super-patriotism that is devoted to genocide or endless war with ones enemies (History, par.6) In fascism, the government controls everything, the institutions of public control and total control over everything and everyone. And the fascist government destroys all sense of independence and individuality, because they are dangerous things, as they might lead to rebellion.The fascist regime is thee extreme form of the autonomisation of politics under capitalism. It is the product of an immense dislocation of the capitalist made of production (Caplan 95). Fascism is a modern phenomenon. It is a big argument, and almost always discussed by historians, writers, politicians and scholars. Yet, What does it mean, actually? Allardyce stated that whether historians envision fascism as the tool of class interests or the expression of more impersonal forces -the revolt of the masses, the moral crisis of civilization, totalitarianism, or the modernisation process- they generally understand it in terms of something more fundamental and important to history (368). Cassels described fascism variously as an oslought on the nineteenth century, an effort to restore the vanished world of 1789, a general twentieth-century phenomenon of the Left, a movement committed to sweeping away the debris of all anciens regimes, a theory of socialism applied by authoritarian means, leftist, right-ist, radical. Whatever its definitions is, fascism gives no good to people.Disciplines of the fascism is not for public sake, its for goernment sake. It limits the freedom of people, and it restricts citizens rights. Fascist thought is born between 1870 and 1914 because of the fear of mass democracy and liberalism, and fascist movements start to occur in all European countries after 1918. Fascism destroys the liberty of England. Before the Civil War the government is liberal in the United States. The war affects the people negatively. For instance, liberty is limited, private property is destroyed. When the fascists seize the power, the society turns to dystopia in which people have no freedom.The concept of liberty changes with the times. There is one liberty in peace times, which is not the liberty of war times. There is one liberty in times of prosperity, which can no longer be granted in times of depression (Pei, par.6). According to KÃ ¼hnl, fascist system has five major characteristics: (1) its social function is to maintain the capitalist system in a crisis; (2) the use of terrorist methods of domination and the elimination of oppositional forces is basic to the system; (3) it cocsists of a mass movement which attempts to include major population groupings and act as an instrument of mass integration and manipulation; (4) the masses are subject to the ideology of the Volk community and unconditional solidarity demanded by both internal and external enemies; (5) the system produces the political and military prerequisites for imperialist expansion and the subordination of neighboring peoples(130).As we understand from KÃ ¼hnls classification of fascism, psychological manipulation and physical control are the keys of fascist government. It creates fear on its citizens by using terrorist methods. Only truth is totalitarian regimes truth, there is nothing for public good in fascism. The problem of fascism does not perish completely. The people of England is still under the threat of fascism. Even today, the independent middle class and other social groups are still threatened by social declasssing; there are still economic recessions that precipitate the anxiety of crisis; authoritarian mentalities calling for order and strong leadership are still widespread (KÃ ¼hnl 76). Fascism is very harmful all aspect of life. In fascist government, there is a social unrest, people are not happy, they are depressed, the country is in an economic depression.There is no good relationship between the people, everybody is suspicious of everybody else, and they are always in fear of totalitarian regime. In terms of a theory of economic growth revised in this way, fascism can be defined as a revolt of those who lost -directly or indirectly, temporarily or permanently- by industrialization. Also the military joins here, with opposition against the industrialization of war, which tended to destroy traditional modes of warfare and which by its increasing destructiveness intensified pacifism and antimilitarism (Sauer 417). To be sure, the totalitarianism theory cannot be dismissed entirely.Modern dictatorships have undoubtedly develop new charasteristics, and totalitarianism is certainly one of them. It is, however, hardly as important as the totalitarianism theory has maintained.As Sauer suggested, totalitarianism which feeds fascism might live forever, if it is not opposed.Authoritarian dictatorships master the crisis by destroying society. So citizens should take some action to protect their rights and to gain independence. Public involvement in politics plays a vital role in democratic society. Thus, Abendroth stated that The first goal is the defence and restoration of functioning forms of public involvement in the political and social decisions of a parliamentary democracy; the next goal would be to replace monopoly capitalist production relations by transparent socialist one (113). Albert Einstein said that the world is a dangerous place tol ive in; not because of the people are evil, but because of the people who dont do anything about it. Fascism will continue to grow, if people do not do something against it. Alladyce emphazised that the antifascist of Europe added dimensions of their own , and the revised version became the Standard version, the popular conception of the ideology of fascism During the thirties recalled Stephen Spender, Fascism meant dictatorship, cencorship, the persecution of the Jews, the destruction of intellectual freedom. To be antifascist was to be on the side of humanity. Conversely, to be fascist meant to be against it(382).People who want to be on the side of humanity, should fight against fascism to prevent destruction of totalitarian regime and to get rid of dictatorship. The British National Party and The English Defence League are the current threats of fascism for English citizens. The BNP is a fascist party, as mentioned before fascism annihilate all communities, freedoms and democratic rights. The EDL is an organization of racist thugs with links to the BNP. EDL supporters use Nazi tactics during their activities.There is a unity against the alarming rise in fascism in Britain today. Uaf, the unity against fascism believes that these dangers require a strong and united response from all those dedicated to freedom and democracy, and they declares that we must combine our forces and unite in a broad and common front against this common threat (About Uaf). The first action against fascism is awake peoples consciousness. Media, literature and cinema can be used to solve the problem of fascism, and to show the danger of totalitarian regime.V for Vendetta is a good example to demonstrate the terrifying possibilities of totalitarianism and it uses the voice of anarchist, V, to affect people of England into standing together against their fascist government and fight for freedom. V for Vendetta can be seen as a dystopia because of the way minority groups are treated as criminals and used for medical experiments, V starting a revolution reasons with the people of the country after hijacking a broadcast centre (Is It Useful par.16). If viewed with philosophical spectacles, a film like V for Vendetta can also stimulate reflection on the preciousness of an open society and individual freedom.And it is much better to watch a movie than to have to experience a totalitarian, closed society for real (Berg par.7). V for Vendetta has a great success, the issues of the film prove to be important and interesting to the audience. Although the happenings of the film take place in the future, they are closely connected with todays circumstances. Its reflection of the present makes stronger the effects of the film. The film is about Vs struggle against the fascist regime. The fascist regime is like a Nazi government, killing the societies whose have no correlation to the government system. V for Vendetta is set in England. The Norsefire regime in V for Vendetta creates fears in its people and using force as a way of subduing them to do what they want. The fascist dictator, Adam Sutler wants to have the complete control over his people.Like world of Orwells 1984, cameras and secret police are watching citizens. They use technology and media to control the actions and thoughts of people.As Berg suggested that Society under the Norsefire regime is typical of totalitarian states: the secret police is the executive arm of Big Brother, and the media is under state control and is used for propaganda purposes (par.10). Similar to Nazi Germany, there are death camps in England. The people are forcibly used to take part in a type of medical testing. The government deliberately, creates a lethal virus to become rich and powerful by selling the antidote. V is one of these prisoners in the camp, Larkhill. When the fire breaks out in laboratory, he manages to escape, and becomes the only prisoner to survive. Because of the fire he is severely burnt, and he wears a symbolic mask which is the face of Guy Fawkes, a Catholic rebel on November 5th 1605 tries to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London to end the reign of James I, but he is publicly executed. V wants to change the course of history by blowing up the Houses of Parliament -he wants to succeed where Faawkes had failed, and the date for this attempt is of course November 5. As to why he wants to do so: he wants to destroy the authoritarian government (Coppens par.5). The theme of fascism and complete government control is evident throughout the film as seen through the rule of the Norsefire regime and their ruthless tactics. For example, homosexuality is forbidden and actively suppressed. The government behaves harshly toward homosexuals. We understand this clearly when Evey finds a letter from Valerie is an actress who is imprisoned for being lesbian. This, again shows the similarity between Nazi government and Sutlers government. Jalsevac stated that The most poignant scene by far is when Evey, while in prison, finds the dying letter of a woman who had been the same cell years before. As Evey reads the letter we are shown flashbacks of the life of this poor victim of state oppression (par.9). Another example of fascism in the film is that freedom of expression is forbidden. People are not allowed to express their own feelings and opinions. If they have a thought against the government, they are punished by death. Letting people think can be extremely dangerous according to fascists. Berg similarly argues that, Freedom of expression also entails the freedom to critize and satirize political leaders. In the film Deitrich (played by Stephen Fry) uses his popular talk show to satirize Chancellor Sutler. As a consequence he is seized from his home and disappears- the fate of many peaceful opponents of dictators, from Argentina to Zimbabwe (par.13). In many totalitarian regimes the portrait of the political leader of the state is placed everywhere, practically on the wall of each house and institution. In V for Vendetta we see the videos on the big screen with the face of Adam Sutler, along with his portraits in peoples homes. Fear is used to turn England into a bigoted totalitarian order, with their leader Adam Sutler becoming the High Chancellor. War, terror and disease cause to fear in people, and so they turn to the Chancellor who promises peace, and to give them silent obedient consent. Afraid of chaos, the citizens allow an enemy to be created, which is a fascist government. Similarly, Berg suggested that In times of social unrest and uncertainty there are people who call for a strong leader and who are also prepared to accept limitations on their freedom. Such people might prefer Sutlers Norsefire regime to an open, democratic society (par.18). In a totalitarian society everyone who opposes the state can be a victim of the states terror and torture. So people obey this strict regime blindly because of fear. V declares that People should not be afraid of their governments; their governments should be afraid of them.V wants to remind the people of London of their past. He thinks that this country has forgotten something which are fairness, justice, freedom. V explains that artists tell lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up.The government uses the media to convey the message and to trick the community into thinking that life is so much better with the government in control. V gives the people hope and show that the country has much better life outside of the governments control. By showing brute force of the government, V tries to convince the citizens to support him over the government. One of the major themes in the movie is the conflict between anarchism and fascism. The Norsefire regime is the face of fascism. Adam Sutler rules the country through both fear and force. The ideas of anarchism is presented by V. He uses the voice of an anarchist to evoke people for fight against authorities. V is fighting for anarchism, because he sees it as a way of democracy. Anarchism is a theory of governance that rejects any form of central or external authority, preferring instead to replace it with alternative forms of organization such as shaming rituals for deviants, mutual assistance pacts between citizens (History par.5). In the film the importance of the idea is underlined, it emphasizes that ideas are very powerful and live beyond the death of individuals. After V is shot multiple times by Creedy, he ironically says Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, there is an idea, and ideas are bullet prof. This quote means that the flesh of a man can be killed; however an idea can never be killed. A man can be forgotten, but an idea can live forever. At the end of the film Evey completes the task of V, and sends the train with the explosives toward the Houses of Parliament. V is dead, but he reaches his aim. He creates a hope for a better tomorrow,and its up to people of London to decide what happens next, a new England can be built. As Ghufron suggested that All forms of authority in Britain are now gone; its future is left uncertain. Thus, V has created chaos, which will allow voluntary order to ocur (par.12). To conclude, the film V for Vendetta is a shining example of what we are facing and how we can overcome a fight against a corrupt fascist government. It is emphasized that, Fantastic and mysterious on the surfacemovie V for Vendetta, in reality investigates and develops very important social-political themes, the notions of freedom and democracy, confrontation of them to the totalitarianism and fascism; the themes of identity of a human as a member of society and his dependence on the social order or vice verse his opposition to the existing political regime (Fascism par.10). The film clearly shows that ciizens should be unite and fight against their totalitarian regime to gain freedom and to live in a democratic society. Eleven similarly suggested that As the film V for Vendetta illustrates we have great strength in unity. We must simply organize ourselves. The film shows a symbolic organization and unification of the populous to rise up at once to take control. This is what is required. But we cant stop there (par.4) V for Vendetta creates a hope and courage in people of England, it leads to people think of fascism and freedom, and decide on what they really long for, ruled by totalitarian regime or live in democracy. The film has many awards, and this is a symbol that many people want to abolish the fascism in the world. As Jalsevac stated that V has received largely positive reviews from the critics, praising it for supposedly challenging audiences to think and raising timely questions about terrorism, when violence might be justified and the power of government (par.13). Works Cited Abendroth, Wolfgang. The Problems of The Social Function and Social Preconditions of Fascism. International Journal of Politics, 2.4 (1972-73): 104-113. Academic Search Premier. Jstor. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. About Uaf. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. Allardyce, Gilbert. What Fascism Is Not: Thoughts on the Deflation of a Concept. The American Historical Review, 84.2 (1979): 367-388. Academic Search Premier. Jstor. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. Berg, F. V. D. V for Vendetta Web. 29 Dec. 2012. Caplan, Jane. Theories of Fascism: Nicos Poulantzas as Historian. History Workshop,3 (1977):83-100. Academic Research Premier. Jstor. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. Coppens, Philip. V for Vendetta. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. Dystopian Society. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. Eleven, Dylan. The Film V for Vendetta Shows V is for Victory When We Stand United Against The New WorldÂÂ  Order. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. Fascism and Democracy in V for Vendetta. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. Ghufron, Burhanudin. Vs Struggle Against The Fascist Government System in James Mcteigues V for Vendetta Movie. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. History of Terrorism and Fear. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. Is It Useful To Use Present Fears and Problems in Society to Speculate on The Future. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. Jalsevac, Luke. V for Vendatta Agenda Christians, Conservatives evil; Liberal freedom fighters good. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. KÃ ¼hnl, Reinhard. Problems of a Theory of Internetional Fascism. International Journal of Politics, 2.4 (1972-73):47-81. Academic Search Premier.Jstor. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. CÄÂ ±vak 10Paxton, R. O. The Five Stages of Fascism. The Journal of Modern History, 70.1(1998):1-23. Academic Search Premier. Jstor. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. Pei, M.A. Freedom under Fascism. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 180 (1935): 9-13. Search Premier. Jstor. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. Rabinbach, Anson G. Toward a Marxist Theory of Fascism and National Socialism: A Report on Developments in West Germany. : New German Critique, 3(1974): 127-153. Academic Search Premier. Jstor. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. Sauer, Wolfgang. National Socialism: Totalitarianism or Fascism?. The American Historical Review, 73.2(1967):404-424. Academic Search Premier. Jstor. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. V for Vendetta. Dir. James McTeigue. Perf. ÂÂ  Hugo Weaving,ÂÂ  Natalie Portman. ÂÂ  Warner Bros. Pictures, 2005.Film.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essays -- Biography

Biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt, popularly known as FDR, was born on January 30, 1882 at the family estate in Hyde Park, New York. His father, James, graduated from Harvard Law School, married, had a son, and took over his family?s rights in coal and transportation. Despite the fact that he lost a good deal of money in financial gambles, he remained wealthy enough to travel by private railroad car, to live comfortably on his Hudson River estate at Hyde Park, and to travel at length. After his first wife died, James waited four years to remarry to Sara Delano, a sixth cousin. She was also a member of the Hudson River aristocracy, and although she was only half of James? 52 years, she settled into their Hyde Park estate quite comfortably. The marriage worked well until it was broken by James? death in 1900. Young Franklin Roosevelt had a secure and pleasant childhood. His half-brother was already an adult when Franklin was born, and so he had no rival for the attention of his parents. During the summer months he would travel with his parents to Europe, to the seaside in New England, or to Campobello Island off the coast of New Brunswick, where he developed a love for the ocean and sailing. Until the age of 14 FDR received his education from private tutors. FDR?s most lasting educational experience was at Groton School in Massachusetts, which he attended from 1896 to 1900. Groton?s headmaster, Reverend Endicott Peabody, instilled the virtue of public service in Franklin, and this would be something that he would carry with him throughout his life. At Groton FDR was not academically outstanding, nor did he gain vast popularity,? Franklin struggled to fit in?but he was only a spindly five f... ...peril. But both did so while at the same time holding free elections in which their opponents might have won the office. Through vast national support, Roosevelt was able to rekindle America?s spirit in itself, ?A man who could not walk became president of a country that had lost hope. With a simple set of beliefs- a belief that things could be improved, a belief in the Democratic process- he transmitted his own confidence to the nation? (Morgan 772). And the nation followed his lead. Bibliography: Works Cited Davis, Kenneth S. FDR: The War President 1940-1943. New York: Random House, 2000. Miller, Nathan. FDR: An Intimate History. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1983. Morgan, Ted. FDR: A Biography. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1985. Robinson, Edgar Eugene. The Roosevelt Leadership 1933-1945. New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1955.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Shakespeares Othello - Iago as Good Strategician and Lucky Opportunist

Iago - Good Strategician and Lucky Opportunist      Ã‚  Ã‚   Like with many evil personalities in history and literature the question is always asked did he really plan to make this happen or was it just luck and convenient circumstances, was it intentional or just circumstantial. To determine how good Iago really is at plotting and whether it is really his own influence or just lucky circumstances that cause events I will examine his asides, soliloquies and interaction with key characters because they give an extra insight into his character.    In the first scene we are thrown right into the action with the argument between Iago and Roderigo. This first argument shows us how Iago is cunning and sly because he has already manipulated a weak Roderigo into paying him for something he hasn't even done yet. Roderigo who is obviously weak and simple has asked Iago to help him woo Desdemona in exchange for money, he thinks Iago has not done this because Desdemona is now at this moment marrying the moor. Yet Iago manages to convince Roderigo of his sheer hatred for Othello and swindle him out of his money. As he later exerts in his soliloquy at the end of Act I.3   ' thus do I ever make my fool my purse' this shows his attitude to Roderigo he is just money for Iago a pawn in his plan. This attitude shows how to a certain extent Iago primes the character he will use later in his plan showing a consistent strategy, he knows he can use Roderigo in the future so keeps him on his side instead of being rude and sharp with h im. You can see that Iago finds Roderigo tedious but keeps him a friend for his money and possible use in the future.    As he goes on to speak he shows his jealousy and frustration, which ... ... still no closer to finding out. Similarly with Iago there is no doubt that he is intelligent and quick-witted and his bitterness and jealousy fuels his plans but to an extent the circumstances played as big a role as the character. Shakespeare created Iago and the circumstances because they reacted well together and made an interesting and exciting plot. So I believe it is fair to say that Iago, as a character is both a good strategician and a lucky opportunist in equal measures.    Works Consulted: Muir, Kenneth. Introduction. William Shakespeare: Othello. New York: Penguin Books, 1968. Shakespeare, William. "The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice" The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stanley Wells & |Gary Taylor. New York/London, W.W. Norton Company,1997. 2100-2174 Wain, John. Shakespeare's Othello - A Casebook. London: MacMillan Press. 1994

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Long Distance Travel Public Awareness Health And Social Care Essay

Long distance traveling will implement you to be seated for long clip, there are some factors during going that may take for farther jobs, these factors are ; inaction, dehydration/humidity, barometric force per unit area alterations, in-flight services, and gesture illness. Some patients should be evaluated before winging ; those people are with medical conditions such as ; diabetes, gestation, cardiovascular diseases, Deep Vein Thrombosis, pneumonic diseases, breaks, infections upsets, Central Nervous System Disorders, and psychiatric upsets. For those who travel in long trips, some safeguards need to be taken in order to avoid any complications that can go on. These safeguards and advices will be divided into three classs ; advices sing the musculoskeletal system, advices sing the circulation, and advices for the pneumonic system, Particular equipments and attention available on most air hoses includes compaction stockings, particular seating, wheelchair services, and O equipments. Our purposes are to heighten safety for riders and avoid any complications that can go on, and to advance public consciousness among long distance traveling.Literature Reappraisal:On 2003, a survey was done by Paganin et Al, to gauge relationship between air- travel and venous thromboembolism ( VTE ) , this survey was based on a instance control study ; they measured the frequence of VTE, associated hazard factors and factors act uponing the oncoming of pneumonic intercalation or deep vena thrombosis. The survey was conducted over 1 twelvemont h, the questionnaire was sent to doctors ; they found that long continuance air-travel VTE is associated with other underlying thromboembolic hazard factors, low mobility during flight is a dramatic modifiable hazard factor of developing pneumonic intercalation, travellers with hazard factors for VTE should be advised to increase their mobility. ( Paganin F. , et Al, 2003 ) A survey was done by Beasly, et Al, on 2005 to place the association between prolonged seated stationariness and VTE in relation to drawn-out period of traveling, patients were followed certain inclusion standards which includes: ( hospital discharge diagnosing of DVT and/or pneumonic intercalation, history of regular seated stationariness at least 8 hours and there is no other recognized hazard factors. ( Beasly R. et Al, 2005 ) Opatray, et Als and others have conducted the largest instance control survey on 2004 in Canada taking to confuse the relationship between travel and the hazard of acquiring deep vena thrombosis [ DVT ] . The participants in this survey were both male and female with a average age of 56 old ages old. They were divided into two groups ; the first group were patients with a confirmed diagnosing of DVT and the 2nd group were patients in whom DVT were ruled out. A elaborate travel history, medicines, familial testing, and were taken from the patients. Besides the relation between DVT and any travel, travel continuance, and the method of transit [ plane or auto ] were tested and analyzed. The consequences showed that plane going longer than 12 hours has increased odds ratio of acquiring DVT than those who travel in a auto or in shorter continuances. The clinical diagnosings of DVT or PE were required radiological verification by one of the followers: positive compaction Doppler ultrasound, positive venography ; high or intermediate chance V/Q scan ; positive pneumonic angiography. They propose the acronym ‘SIT ‘ ( seated stationariness thromboembolism syndrome ) to embrace all signifiers of sitting stationariness associated with VTE ; the consequences shows that travellers were with hazard of VTE due to drawn-out period of stationariness. ( Opartray L. et Al, 2004 ) – Factors that may adversely impact healthy riders sing long period of traveling:1- Inaction:Peoples tend to sit passively for many hours at a clip. Even for physically fit travellers a certain grade of dependent hydrops and pooling of the blood occurs. Dependent hydrops is one of minor concern to healthy rider but may be aggravated by certain conditions such as gestation. In instance of leg breaks, the extra puffiness may go risky if force per unit area on the dramatis personae compromises circulation ; one air hose has reported a instance in which sphacelus developed after a long distance flight because the dramatis personae was excessively tight. We recommend that the limb be elevated if possible, and in the instance of recent breaks, the dramatis personae be bivalved so that it can be loosened should excessive swelling occur. Venous pooling and stasis may ensue in thrombophlebitis or orthostatic hypotension in susceptible people. The most common medical exigency is conking. Normally it occurs on the manner to the washroom. This likely consequences from orthostatic hypotension aggravated by drawn-out posing and mild hypoxia. ( Skejenna Al, 1991 ; Air Travel )2-Dehydration/Humidity:Relative humidness can drop really quickly to between 5 % & A ; 10 % , and this low humidness can do drying of the oral cavity, nose ( mucose membranes ) , and pharynx ; besides it can do dry tegument and oculus annoyance. Peoples with skin conditions should be excess cautious because it may be aggravated by waterlessness. Reduced cabin force per unit area can besides do gas volume enlargement ; this can be a job if there has been recent surgery that has introduced gas into the abdominal pit. Most riders really gain weight because of unstable consumption ; however, it ‘s recommended that desiccating drinks such as intoxicant, java and certain soft drinks be avoided. There are countries in which cabin air becomes stagnant, and contaminations such as baccy fume may non be removed every bit rapidly as desirable. Mattson, et Al and associates demonstrated important degrees of cotinine ( a metabolite of nicotine ) in the piss of non-smoking riders and flight attenders after a flight, degrees that were related to these people ‘s evaluations of irritation. ( Skejenna Al, 1991 )3-Barometric force per unit area alterations:Commercial aeroplanes and jet air-craft pressurized equivalent of an height of 6000 to 8000 foot ( 1830 to 2440 m ) , non to sea flat force per unit area. Therefore, air in organic structure pits or other closed infinites expands by about 25 % ; this enlargement may worsen certain medical conditions. Decrease in atmospheric force per unit area consequences in reduced partial force per unit area of O and reduced entire force per unit area, which may give rise to jobs due to gas enlargement and diffusion of gases from solution. ( Air Travel ; Flying withaa‚ ¬A ¦ , 2008 )4-In-flight service:Patients on particular diets may be accommodated, provided the air hose is informed at least 24 hours in progress. Although the quality of these repasts is good it is non infallible, and the traveller should take safeguards if his or her status is sensitive to nutrient. Peoples with nutrient allergic reactions should detect the same strict safeguards that they would whenever dining out. ( Alvarez D. et al, )5-Motion Sickness & A ; Turbulence:In general, air travel is one of the smoothest agencies of conveyance available. However, during long distance flights the aircraft about ever passes over at least one conditions system, and even at high attitudes some turbulency may be encountered. Turbulence may do gesture illness or hurt. While seated, riders should maintain their place belts fastened at all times. Motion illness can be uncomfortable and abashing every bit good as doing uncomfortableness to other riders. ( Air Travel ) Some medical conditions that require specific rating before traveling: Unless otherwise indicated these recommendations have been developed by civil and military aeromedical forces and are based on experience in managing certain conditions, the pre-flight rating should concentrate on the rider ‘s medical status with particular consideration given to possible infectivity, the dose and timing of any medicine and exercisings, besides for particular aid petitions.1-Diabetes:There are no limitations on winging with well-controlled diabetes ; diabetic patients should transport their medicine ; since exposure to even cabin flat height may ensue in a lower blood glucose degree. Insulin dependent diabetes are usually required to hold a missive of mandate from their physician to let passenger car of acerate leafs in their manus baggage ; it should be carried in a cool bag or pre-cooled vacuity flask It ‘s of import that they are cognizant of jobs caused by clip zone alterations, it ‘s recommended to stay on one clip system during flight and merely try to readapt to local clip on reaching at their finish. ( Alvarez D. et Al, ; Anne R. , 2005 )2- Pregnancy:Due to the increasing hazard of an-in-flight bringing, most air hoses prohibit travel after the terminal of the 36th hebdomad in incomplete singleton gestations, earlier bounds apply for multiple/complicated gestations or with a history of premature bringing, the bound for multiple gestation is by and large 32 hebdomads. The hazard of Deep Vein Thrombosis ( DVT ) is increased in gestation ; reasonable safeguards should be taken as for any traveller, there are extra hazard factors for thrombosis, specialist advice may necessitate to be taken. Particular equipment and attention available on most air hoses includes compaction stockings, particular seating, wheelchair services, and O equipment. ( Alvarez D. et Al, ; Anne R. , 2005 )3- Cardiovascular Diseases:Examples include recent Myocardial Infraction, Coronary arteria beltway grafting, angina pectoris, phlebitis and congestive bosom failure. -Myocardial Misdemeanor: The most frequent cause of decease in flight cardiac apprehension, normally caused by a myocardial misdemeanor, some air hoses recommend waiting 6 to 12 hebdomads before going, auxiliary O will probably be required at a flow rate of 2 to 4 L/min ; if the patient must go within 6 hebdomads of the last acute event or if angina at remainder is experienced. -Coronary arteria beltway grafting: A surgical method that improves blood flow through coronary arterias which were narrowed due to atheroma. Air travel can be contemplated, if necessary, at 10 yearss station surgery, therefore leting clip for the air introduced into the thorax to be reabsorbed. -Phlebitis: Peoples with a history of lower limb thrombosis or varicosities should have on support hosiery and exert their legs sporadically. -Patients with gait shaper: A pacesetter is a little device that ‘s placed in the thorax or venters to assist command unnatural bosom beat, This device uses electrical pulsations to motivate the bosom to crush at a normal rate, Consult with your doctor before doing any travel agreements merely to guarantee your pacesetter is in good standing. It would non be good to take a long distance trip and have a job. ( Alvarez D. et Al, ; Anne R. , 2005 ; Skejenna Al, 1991 )4-Deep Vein Thrombosis ( DVT ) :The hazard of venous thromboembolism ( VTE ) about doubles after a long period flight ( & gt ; 4 hours ) , the hazard increases with the continuance of the travel and with multiple flights within a short period, its immobilisation instead than any cabin environment effects of the curdling system that is thought to be the cause of the increased hazard. When seated for a drawn-out sum of clip, the articulatio genuss remain at a right angle, ensuing in a â€Å" crick † in the venas of the legs, forestalling proper circulation. All riders should maintain nomadic whilst in flight, its recommended that they stand in their place country and stretch their weaponries and legs every twosome of hours, walk around the cabin whenever they can and follow an in place exercising plan. ( Paganin F. , et Al, 2003 ; Opartray L. et Al, 2004 ; Beasly R. et Al, 2005 )5-Pulmonary Diseases:Passengers with asthma and chronic diseases ( including clogging pneumonic disease ( COPD ) and cystic fibrosis ) are normally able to go safely if the status is stable and there has been no recent impairment. -Asthma: Patients with stable asthma should be able to wing without jobs, preventative and alleviating inhalators should be carried in the manus baggage, portable atomizers may be used at the discretion of cabin crew, and they may be connected to the air craft electrical supply. Patient should make some of take a breathing exercisings to better their O degree and to loosen up their musculuss. -Cystic Fibrosis: Medicines should be divided between manus and clasp luggage to let for holds and way stations, portable atomizer may be used and they may be connected to electrical supply, patients prescribed in-flight O should have O while sing high height finishs, riders should set about physical therapy during way stations. ( Coker R. , 2002 ; Skejenna Al, 1991 )6-Fractures:Patients should wait for 24 hours following application of plaster dramatis personae for flights of less than 2 hours and for 48 hours on longer flights because air may be trapped beneath the dramatis personae. If pressing travel is necessary, a bi-valved plaster dramatis personae can be used to forestall harmful puffiness, and circulative jobs peculiarly on long flights. A fractured leg should be kept elevated if possible, careful place choice can assist. Mandibular breaks deserve excess cautiousness ; if the jaw is wired the patient should transport wire cutters, because of the hazard of turbulency patients may non go with free-hanging grip, patients who require grip may go ( normally by stretcher ) with the limb or extremity fixed to the splint ( i.e. , Thomas splint or halo splint ) . ( Your healthaa‚ ¬A ¦ )7-Infection Disorders:There is concern about the potency for transmittal of infective disease to other riders on board commercial aircraft. There is besides concern about the consequence of travel after recent respiratory piece of land infections. The most of import consideration is that of transmittal of pneumonic TB, particularly that of multiple drug resistant ( MDR ) TB. Patients with infective TB must non go by public air transit until rendered non-infectious. World Health Organization guidelines province that three smear negative phlegm scrutinies on separate yearss in a individual on effectual anti-tuberculosis intervention indicate an highly low potency for transmittal, and a negative phlegm civilization consequence virtually precludes possible for transmittal, this may be over cautiousnesss. While this remains the policy for HIV positive patients, HIV negative patients who have completed 2 hebdomads of effectual anti-tuberculosis intervention are, in pattern, by and large considered non-infectious. ( Coker R. , 2002 )8-Central Nervous System Disorders:Following a shot or cerebro-vascular accident, riders can normally go after 3 yearss if stable or recovering, through formal medical clearance should be sought if travel is required within 10 yearss. For those with intellectual arteria inadequacy, hypoxia may take to jobs and auxiliary O may be advisable, rider with stable epilepsy may be more prone to ictuss during a long flight ; mild hypoxia and hyper-ventilation are known precipitating factors, in add-on to the exasperation of weariness, anxiousness and irregular medicine. It ‘s recommended that epileptic patients increase their medicine before winging and restart normal doses merely after geting at their finish. ( Coker R. , 2002 )9- Psychiatric Disorders:Because of the safety deductions, psychiatric upsets need to be stable and controlled, for riders with other upsets, such as anxiousness or depressive neuroticism, the airdrome environment and the flight itself may hold a important impact. Small doses of minor tranquilizers may be helpful in riders who are familiar with their effects and side effects, nevertheless, great attention must be taken to avoid over sedation ( which could be misinterpreted by cabin crew as serious unwellness ) and blending with intoxicant which can take to unpredictable behaviour. A assortment of classs is available to assist those with a fright of winging and riders will normally happen cabin and flight crew highly supportive if they are cognizant of the job. ( Coker R. , 2002 ) For those who travel in long trips, some safeguards need to be taken in order to avoid any complications that can go on. These safeguards and advices will be divided into three classs ; advices sing the musculoskeletal system, advices sing the circulation, and advices for the pneumonic system.Advices for the musculoskeletal system:Neck axial rotations:Advantage: these exercisings combined with external respiration exercisings which will be discussed subsequently has a great consequence in cut downing the tenseness stored at the cervix. Exercise: the rider should get down with external respiration in so dropping the cervix towards the thorax. From this relaxed place where he feels that his caput is heavy ; he would get down to circle his caput to the right while he is take a breathing out and back for five times. Then do the same to the left side in slow controlled form.Shoulder Axial rotations:Advantage: shoulder axial rotations helps to forestall and cut down musculus cramp of the shoulder and the cervix musculuss. It besides corrects the inappropriate position taken during the flight. Exercise: it is done by humping the shoulder frontward so upward, so backward, and downward. In simple words it is soft slow round gesture of the shoulder repeated five times in one way so another five in the opposite way.Shoulder Stretch:Advantage: they have the same consequence of shoulder axial rotations plus keeping the shoulder musculuss length and prevent shortening. Exercise: stretching the anterior facet of the shoulder is performed by clasping the custodies behind the dorsum and straightens the arm every bit much as possible. This is combined by widening the cervix to look at the ceiling. Stretch the posterior facet of the shoulder is performed by is by conveying the right manus over the left shoulder. Then place the left manus behind the right cubitus and use a soft pull towards the organic structure. Keep the stretch place for at least 15 seconds and reiterate it 5 times.Trunk forward flexure:Advantage: this exercising stretches the back musculuss and prevents shortening. It besides reduces the opportunity of acquiring back hurting after the flight. Exercise: with both pess n the floor and tummy held in, easy bend frontward seeking to make your mortise joints. Keep this place for 15 seconds and easy sit back. Repeat it 5 times.Knee lifts:Advantages: forestalling articulatio genus, hip, and natess pain because of the drawn-out posing. It besides maintains the scope of gesture of these articulations. Exercise: maintain the right leg set and raise the articulatio genus up the thorax. Then conveying it back to the normal place. Make it for five repeats so exchange to the other legKnee to chest:Advantage: it is a stretching exercising for the gluteal muscle and the hamstrings musculuss to forestall musculus shortening and cut down the odds of musculus cramp. Exercise: flex frontward somewhat. Clasp the custodies around the right articulatio genus and embrace it to the thorax. Keep the stretching place for 15 seconds. Keep the custodies around the articulatio genus so easy allow it down. Switch over the legs and reiterate it 1 times. ( Sheehan j. , 2004 ; Pizar A. , 2009 ; Alvarez D. et Al, ; Your healthaa‚ ¬A ¦ ; Air Travel )Advices and Precautions Sing the Circulation:1. Ankle circles:Advantage: this is a critical exercising to maintain the circulation of your organic structure active and to assist in the venous return. It is besides good for maintain and forestall the loss of the ankle scope of gesture. Exercise: raise the pess of the floor. Pull a circle with your toes, at the same time traveling one pes clockwise and the other pes counterclockwise. After 15 seconds reverse the circles and repetition as desired.2. Foot pumps:Advantage: another indispensable exercising for the circulation and to forestall the opportunities of developing a DVT. Exercise: Feet gesture is in three phases: Keep the heels on the floor and raise the forepart of the pess up every bit much as possible. Keep this place for 2 seconds. Put both pess flat on the floor. Keep the balls of the pess on the floor and raise the heels every bit high as possible. The three phases should be repeated for 30 seconds.3. Compaction stockings:Advantage: it assist in forestalling puffiness of the mortise joints due to drawn-out posing and the gravitation. It besides improves the blood return to the organic structure from the lower legs. The carrying must non be excessively tight or excessively lose. A good fitted carrying size is the most recommended. 4. Keep traveling around the cabin on occasion. 5. Stay adequately hydrated and avoid surplus intoxicant and java. 6. Keep the pess elevated by utilizing the leg rests at higher lift. ( Sheehan j. , 2004 ; Pizar A. , 2009 ; Alvarez D. et Al, ; Your healthaa‚ ¬A ¦ ; Air Travel )Advices for Pneumonic System:1. Peoples who are breathless at remainder should non go without O supply. 2. Patients should transport preventative and alleviating inhalators in their manus baggage. 3. COPD patients should make take a breathing exercisings every two hours: the exercisings include pursed lips take a breathing. The exercisings consist of taking a deep breath from the olfactory organ ; keep it in for 2 seconds. Then purse your lips and take the breath out from your oral cavity easy. ( Coker R, 2002 )

World War I and Group Member Names

Guidelines: Assign one group member to lead the group. The leader should divide their chapters and create deadlines prior to Novo. 26th. The leader should receive all outlines early and make the formatting cohesive and easy to read. Each group should turn in one full set of fact sheets and outlines In a folder. All group members' names should be listed on first page. Pages should be numbered. Fact sheets should precede outlines.Each chapter should be clearly labeled by number and title. Pages may run continuously in order to conserve paper and space. Remember to type all group member names on the cover and individual names on each section each member produced. Each group will produce typed: 1. Fact Sheets for each chapter Including, a. Summary of the chapter's main argument. B. List of main people and their role/title. C. Key terms and debates. D. Questions posed or inspired by the chapter. 2. Content Outlines of their assigned chapters from Laborer Including, e.Mall acts and events with dates. F. Relationship of events to causes of WWW as Identified by Laborer Characterization of varying national perspectives, alliance shifts, etc. Quotes. I. Analysis of Laborers choices/writing. H. Short key â€Å"The Long Fuse† OUR There Projects?All Scripts Due Tuesday, November 20th Guldens: 1. Scripted and researched performances to conceptualize history 2. 10-15 minutes 3. Rehearsed, but not memorized 4. Option to record in advanced; must be ready to perform live if technical difficulties arise 5. Utilize music, costume or set pieces .Begin with England, France, Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary as starting point; research may guide you too more narrowed script 7. Turn In typed script & typed MEAL bibliography of scholarly sources (One source per person in group an additional source; limit to one internet) 8. Include a cover page describing the role that each group member played in the production of the presentation. Group topics:Effects of HAWAII groups should exa mine changes In society due

Friday, August 16, 2019

Reflection on Film: Psycho Essay

In the movie Psycho, we see a character that is the one at fault but is so sweet she is obviously the victim here. When the $40,000 is no longer what we see from Marion Crane, it is because she was murdered, she is now the victim. Robert Ebert, from the Chicago Sun Times states â€Å"Marion Crane does steal $40,000, but still she fits the Hitchcock mold of an innocent to crime.† She was originally at fault here, and then she is brutally murdered for no reason by Norman Bates, who now becomes the center of attention. We must now figure him out! â€Å"Marion has overheard the voice of Norman’s mother speaking sharply with him, and she gently suggests that Norman need not stay here in this dead end, a failing motel on a road that has been bypassed by the new interstate. She cares about Norman. She is also moved to rethink her own actions. And he is touched. So touched, he feels threatened by his feelings. And that is why he must kill her.† states Ebert. This point being made, never occurred to me while watching the movie, I saw just a crazy guy that thought she was pretty and his â€Å"mother† didn’t want him to be with her, so out of fear he killed her. Psycho was a great film that truly was the setup up for future horror films. It is the masterpieces of Hitchcock that really set the standard of movies we see today, he is the master of them and people use his example. Psycho being this horror movie that has a huge unexpected twist in the plot really makes you feel for the characters and engages you in to the film, you almost feel like you are with Marion in the bath tub while she is murdered, you can feel your heart pound from the screeching sound of the music. Everything that was put in this movie was put there for a reason and it all pulls you right in with it.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Ecoterrorist Groups in the United States Essay

Terrorism, in any form, is frowned upon by many people. However, when it is related to taking care of our environment, it could be quite controversial because environmentalism is embraced across all political spectrums. Like the right wing or left wing extremists, violent ecologists and animal rights advocates have caused some scare among people in the United States. This called ecoterrorism and some of these groups often destroy properties that they perceive beneficial to the environment and animals. As Laquer (1999) informed, the word ecoterrorism has been coined to name violent environmentalists (also called â€Å"greens† and other names) that push their ideologies and beliefs to the extreme. Their complaints are as just as those of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Socialists, Anarchists, and indeed most other ideologies and religions of our time, who cannot possibly be made responsible for the actions of the extremists within their ranks. However, in all these value systems, there are beliefs that, if carried to an extreme, may provide inspiration for acts of violence (p. 99). William Dyson (2000), a retired FBI agent who spent nearly 30 years working on domestic terrorism, says it is necessary to look at the way police officers classify crimes and the economic impact of violent ecological extremism to understand the full scope of ecoterrorism. Dyson contends most of the crimes are reported as localized vandalism. The significance of the total destruction is missed. Dyson says when the total economic impact of ecoterrorism is calculated, it demonstrates that the United States has been victimized by a long term terrorist campaign. In fact, in the testimony of FBI Director Louis Freeh (10 May 2001) about the terrorist threats in the United States, he classified ecoterrorism as â€Å"special interest terrorism†. He reasoned out that this is different â€Å"from traditional right-wing and left-wing terrorism in that extremist special interest groups seek to resolve specific issues, rather than effect more widespread political change. Special interest extremists continue to conduct acts of politically motivated violence to force segments of society, including, the general public, to change attitudes about issues considered important to their causes†. These â€Å"special interest† terrorist groups could support their belief in â€Å"extreme fringes of animal rights, pro-life, environmental, anti-nuclear, and other political and social movements†. Moreover, these groups can belong animal rights and environmental movements and â€Å"they have turned increasingly toward vandalism and terrorist activity in attempts to further their causes†. Bryan Denson and James Long (1999) have conducted a detailed study of ecological violence. They found that damage from ecoterrorism have already reached millions of dollars. They conducted a 10-month review and considered crime only in excess of $50,000. Cases that could not be linked to environmental groups were eliminated. They found 100 cases with very few successful law enforcement investigations. According to Denson and Long (1999), most violence has taken place in the American West. From 1995 to 1999, damages totaled $28. 8 million. Crimes included raids against farms; destruction of animal research laboratories at the University of California in Davis and Michigan State University, threats to individuals, sabotage against industrial equipment and even arson. History of Ecoterrorism in the United States The history of radical ecoterrorism goes back to 1980 when a group of five militants belonging to mainstream organizations such as the Sierra Club and Friends of the Earth decided, at the end of a hike, that far more drastic action was needed in view of the imminent destruction of nature, or what remained of it. To them it seemed pointless to work within the system, and thus Earth First was born (Laquer, 1999). Many Earth First activists argue that ecotage (ecologic sabotage) â€Å"can actually prevent destructive activity underway—driving the worst Earth destroyers right out of business— erasing their profits by slowing their work and destroying their tools† (Taylor 1991, p. 263). Despite the fact that ecoterrorism in the US sparked in the 1980s,, two of the most influential books for ecoterrorists were published in the 1970s. These books are Robert Townsend’s Ecotage (1972) and Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang (1975). Edward Abbey’s novel told the story of a group of ecologists who were fed up with industrial development in the West. Abbey is an environmental activist and not a hate-filled ideologue like William Pierce. His novel is a fictional account that has inspired others. In The Monkey Wrench Gang, the heroes drive through the Western states sabotaging bulldozers, burning billboards, and damaging the property of people they deem to be destroying the environment. Incidentally, this is the same type of low-level terrorism German leftists used in the mid-1990s. ) The term â€Å"monkey wrenching† has since became synonymous to ecoterrorism. Laquer (1999) thought that environment radicalism in the United States might have been connected with general political developments. The Carter administration in the 1970s initially was thought to sympathize with the aims of the ecologists, but these hopes proved false. The government neglected more forests to be put at the disposal of the timber industry. Environmentalists reacted in anger, which only increased as more deregulation occurred under President Reagan in the 1980s. The language of the radicals became more violent, as did the character of their actions. As one of the more radical thinkers maintained, the salvation of the earth required an end to civilization and to the vast majority of mankind. They saw human beings as no more important than any other member of the biological community, and with no more rights than animals–or, indeed, than inanimate objects such as forests, rivers, and mountains. Seen in this light, they felt it had been wrong for modern medicine to combat infectious diseases, for bacteria and viruses also had rights–as one of the ecological thinkers put it, eradicating smallpox had been immoral inasmuch as it had been an unwarranted interference with the balance of the ecosystem. Ecoterrorist Groups in the United States In the United States, the most prominent ecoterrorist groups are the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), Earth First, and the Justice Department are interested in environmental preservation. The Animal Liberation Front (ALF), Animal Rights Militia, Band of Mercy, and Paint Panthers champion animal rights. However, it is the violent groups like the ELF and ALF that advocate and engage in economic damage. The rhetorical groups, such as the Church of Euthanasia, simply border on the bizarre, advocating suicide, sodomy, and cannibalism to voluntarily eliminate the earth’s human population (White, 2003). In fact, FBI now ranks both ALF and ELF as the leading domestic terrorism groups that threaten United States, surpassing the Timothy McVeigh-style militia extremists who dominated the terrorism scene during much of the 1990s. James Jarboe, FBI domestic-terrorism section chief said that they estimated that the ALF/ ELF have committed more than 600 criminal acts in the United States since 1996, resulting in damages in excess of $43 million. Worse, the threat is growing because animal and environmental activists are turning increasingly toward vandalism and terrorism to further their causes (Richardson, 2002). According to Atkins (2004), ELF was originally formed by the dissident members of Earth First! in Great Britain in the early 1990s, an American version started operation in 1996 and allied with the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). The group took aim at targets it perceived as causing or promoting harm to the environment, from biotechnology research laboratories to automobile dealerships. In the US, they first made the national news with the arson of five buildings and four ski lifts in Vail, Colorado, on October 17, 1998. Environmentalists had been fighting the Vail Resorts over an area that was wintering grounds for elk and a habitat for the endangered lynx. Since 1997 the Southern Poverty Law Center has attributed ELF with dozens of terrorist attacks and $30 million in damages (p. 91). The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said the group had claimed credit for bombings and arson that had caused some $40 million in damage since the mid-1990s, when the group began its campaign in North America. Although no one had been injured in any of the bombings and fires, the FBI considered the ELF one of the most dangerous organizations in the country. Among the acts of vandalism and arson that the group had claimed responsibility for in 2001 were: †¢ An August 21 vandalism attack on a Long Island, New York cancer research laboratory. †¢ Coordinated June 12 vandalism attacks on five Bank of New York branches in Suffolk County, New York. †¢ A June 10 vandalism attack on the University of Idaho’s biotechnology building. †¢ A June 1 fire in Eagle Creek, Oregon, near a timber sale site in a federal forest. Two separate May 21 arson attacks, the first at a poplar tree farm in Clatskanie, Oregon, the second at the Center for Urban Horticulture at the University of Washington in Seattle. †¢ A March 30 fire at an auto dealership in Eugene. †¢ A January 2 fire at the offices of a lumber company in Glendale, Oregon (â€Å"Law Catches Up to,† 2002, p. A01). Because of ELF’s decentralized structure, this allowed separate cells to act independently of each other and its reliance on the Internet computer network to communicate, made it difficult to capture culprits. Typically, the group would claim responsibility for an act through its press office in Portland, Oregon Despite probes of the press office and the people who ran it, authorities had made little progress in seizing members guilty of sabotage. Knickerbocker (2005) presented salient proof that ELF has â€Å"guidelines† that prove their ecoterroristic activities. These include taking â€Å"all necessary precautions against harming any animal, human and non-human. † But they also include a call to â€Å"inflict economic damage on those profiting from the destruction and exploitation of the natural environment. An ELF â€Å"communique† taking responsibility for a 2002 firebombing of a US Forest Service research station in Pennsylvania declared: â€Å"While innocent life will never be harmed in any action we undertake, where it is necessary, we will no longer hesitate to pick up the gun to implement justice, and provide the needed protection for our planet that decades of legal battles, pleading, protest, and economic sabotage have failed †¦ to achieve. † Moreover, the group’s website includes a 37-page how-to manual titled â€Å"Setting Fires With Electrical Timers. † As a cousin of ELF, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) has been described as the most militant of the American animal rights groups. It has its roots in Great Britain where a small body of activists, the Hunt Saboteurs, opposed hunting and hunters by resorting to disruptive tactics. Two activists, Ronald Lee and Clifford Goodman, decided in 1972 to resurrect a nineteenth-century antivivisection group, the Band of Mercy. After a series of anti-hunting incidents, this group changed its tactics to direct action on animal rights issues and renamed itself the Animal Liberation Front. When the group used violence against animal research facilities, furriers, and farming, Scotland Yard classified the ALF as a terrorist organization. The ALF is organized into two segments—a public organization for publicity, fund-raising, and propaganda, and a covert wing of tightly organized cells of activists willing to carry out attacks on property and rescue animals. The British group has around 2,500 active members, but only about 50 members are radical enough to carry out violent attacks. Because of the success of the British ALF operations, American animal rights supporters formed a branch in the United States (Atkins, 2004, p. 0). According to ALF’s website, animal rights criminals have a system to publicize their activities. Like all terrorists, ecoterrorists try to create an aura of power through publicity. ALF takes it further, using the Web site as a training device. For example, tactics for raiding mink farms are given in great detail. Utilizing a four-part series, an ALF member tells readers the methods for establishing and operating a cell, procedures for obtaining funds, and directions for planning and carrying out operations. However, like all extremists, their positions are full of contradictions and virtual absurdities. For example, the Web site for the â€Å"we-use-no-animal-products† ALF tells people to use leather gloves when raiding a mink farm. It also compares people who eat meat with Nazis and describes farms as concentration camps. Apparently, ALF members are unaware that Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian. Atkins (2004) reported the firebombing of the unfinished Animal Diagnostic Laboratory at the University of California at Davis on April 16, 1987, which resulted in 4. million in damages, was the most destructive operation of ALF. Representatives of the ALF never claimed responsibility for this act, but police officials have been able to uncover evidence of its involvement. Despite numerous violent operations, only two individuals, Roger Thoen and Virginia Bollinger, have been arrested and convicted for activities involving the ALF. Conclusion Ecoterrorists are uncompromising, illogical extremists just like their right-wing counterparts. A review of their ideological literature shows they use ecology as a surrogate religion (White, 2000). While not one action of ELF or ALF so far comes close to the magnitude of the attacks on the World Trade Center, the government should not ignore the threats posed by these groups. With few arrests or prosecutions have followed from the violent actions of environmentalists or animal-rights advocates, these groups may become more violent and bolder in the future. Thus, it is recommended that the US government should monitor the activities of these ecoterrorist groups and apply harsher sanctions for offenders.